
Loan Calculator

Use template
Use this loan calculator to determine your monthly payment on a loan. Find your ideal payment by changing loan amount, interest rate and term and seeing the effect on payment amount.

This template is designed to help you quickly and easily calculate the monthly payment, total interest paid, and total principal paid on a loan, as well as generate a full amortization table.

Screenshot of Loan Calculator template

To use this template, you'll need to enter the loan amount, interest rate, and term (in months) using the simple form with slider inputs. As soon as you make any changes to these inputs, the monthly payment and other loan parameters will be calculated automatically.

The results of these calculations are displayed on a Metric Card widget, which shows you the monthly payment, total interest paid, and total principal paid in a clear and concise format. In addition to this, there are two charts that provide a visual representation of the loan data. The first chart shows the ratio of the interest and principal paid, while the second chart shows the distribution of the interest payment, principal payment, and outstanding loan balance over the term of the loan.

For even more detailed information, the template also includes an amortization table, which shows you the breakdown of each payment on the loan. This table is displayed on a Table widget, and includes columns for the payment number, payment date, principal paid, interest paid, and outstanding balance.

If you need to export this data for further analysis or record keeping, the template also includes a file download component with a download button. This component converts the data from the amortization table into CSV format, allowing you to easily download and save the data to your computer.

As a developer, you can use this template as a starting point to build other calculators for different types of loans or financial products. The template's simple form with slider inputs and automatic calculation functionality make it easy to customize for different use cases.

Kelp Team
Published on Apr 26, 2022
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